Don’t settle for ordinary
Too many of us fill our homes with factory-made furniture. Like fast fashion, it seems inexpensive and convenient, but it’s here today and gone to landfill tomorrow.
A well-designed and well-made piece of furniture is an heirloom for you and future generations. Whether you select a hand-crafted item from our shop or reach out to commission a unique piece just for you, we pride ourselves in the quality of our work.
William Morris, the founder of the Arts and Crafts movement, famously said: “Have nothing you your house you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” We take inspiration from Morris’s vision of craftspeople taking a furniture piece from idea to reality.
Let’s Work Together
The process of designing a piece starts with an idea from you. We work through several stages from sketching to drawing and modeling, to get exactly the piece that you want. Start that journey by reaching to us today.